Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Seven Rules of Excellent Service

1. Serve women before men.

An exception would be in the presence of children. In this case, the children would have to be served first, followed by the women, and lastly, the men.

2. Serve food from the left side of the guest with the service staff's left hand.

Service should proceed in a clockwise direction for ease of movement and efficiency on the part of service staff.

3. Serve beverages from the guest's right hand with the service staff's right hand.

Alcoholic beverages should be placed on a cocktail napkin placed in from of the guest. It there is a meal before the guest, the beverage should be placed above the knives and spoons on the right side of the guest.

Cups and glasses to be refilled should not be picked up unless it would be hazardous to leave them on the table. To properly serve water, pour water using the right hand, with the left hand folded behind the back.

4. Bring all of the guests' food at the same time. Unless requested otherwise.

The manager should device a means for the guests to be served at the same time.

5. Remove dirty plates only when the guests are finished with their meal.

6. Never scrape of stack dirty dishes on the guest's table.

7. Clear dirty dishes from the right side of the guests with the service staff's right hand.

The proper way to remove dishes from the table is to first removed the dirty silverware with the right hand, to be transferred to the left hand, followed by the dirty plate in the same manner; moving in a clockwise direction, the next guest's silverware and plate will be removed.

Scraping of the dishes should be done away from guests, not in front of them. This can be done by stepping back, out of view of the guests and proceeding with the said task.